Baskets That Benefit

Get what you love. Give what they need.

How often can you get something while giving at the same time? Baskets that Benefit, an ongoing charity sponsored by Life Care Center of Littleton, puts your monetary contributions where it matters — on people in need.

When you purchase a ticket, your money helps support our Walk Against Alzheimer's team, benefitting those living with Alzheimer's disease.

How do I get started?

Help stomp out Alzheimer's disease!

Here's how it works:

Pick Your Favorite Baskets

Running over with culinary goodies, deluxe beauty kits, home improvement items, gift cards and more, these baskets are just waiting for a warm welcome home by you!

Every ticket you buy is an entry for a chance to win a basket from one of our sponsors.

Get Your Tickets for a Chance to Win

After choosing your basket, buy tickets to enter for your chance to win. Increase your odds by getting tickets for more than one! Or go all-in on your favorite.

Your minimum donation of $5 includes six tickets. Every ticket thereafter costs only $1.

Make A Donation and Register

After selecting the number of tickets, click the "Donate Here" button to make your contribution on the Alzheimer's Association website. Your donation will be based on the number of tickets purchased. Once the transaction is complete, retrieve your confirmation number and use it to finalize your registration on the Baskets that Benefit website.

Questions? Visit the FAQ for answers about baskets, charitable contributions and more.