Basket Details: #26 Fryin' to be Healthy

#26 Fryin' to be Healthy

Donated by Life Care Center of Littleton Staff – Deisi, Liz, Christie, Kathy, Alexis, Diane, Sam, Maureen, Hannah, Lindsay and Paul -$30 King Soopers Gift Card -$20 Sprouts Gift Card -Cosori 5 qt air fryer -Cosori square air fryer paper liners -The Complete Air Fyer Cookbook for Begineers by Jaqueline L. Schultz -Ototo Mark – eat basting brush and pump -Tovolo smiley face spatula -Joie potato brush -Park Hill Maple & Spice seasoning -Coastal Bay Seafood seasoning -Chicken Fried Steak seasoning -Honey siracha seasoning -Carne asada seasoning -Penzeys Justice seasoning -Chosen Foods avocado oil spray -Magnetic air fryer cheat sheet

This basket is courtesy of Individuals.

This basket's winner is: Laurie Lang !